Survive The Economic Collapse

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Survive The Economic Collapse
Survive the Economic Collapse cover.jpg
Author(s) Piero San Giorgio
Language English
Genre(s) Economics, Survival
Publisher Arktos
Publication year 2021
Pages 514
ISBN 1914208625

Survive the Economic Collapse is a book by Swiss author Piero San Giorgio, published in English by Arktos in 2021. An earlier English edition was published by Washington Summit Publishers; F. Roger Devlin, PhD is the translator. The original French version was titled Survivre à l'effondrement économique and published in 2011 by Éditions Le Retour aux sources.

Publisher description

"For billions of people, the ongoing economic crisis has marked the end of the world as we know it. The “American Dream” (and ones like it) of a guaranteed job, a home, and a pension, has given way to the nightmare of unemployment, unpayable debt, depression, and uncertainty. In Survive the Economic Collapse, Piero San Giorgio looks behind the headlines and sound bites and demonstrates that today’s economic crisis is no temporary “downturn,” nor is it simply the result of bad policies. The crisis is the beginning of the end of a global paradigm when expectations of endless economic growth and progress crash up against the reality of scarcity and limited resources.

The implications of the collapse cannot be ignored: a steep decline in living standards due to the evaporation of easy credit; a new political landscape that might inspire nationalism, geopolitical reshuffling, and wars over resources; and, potentially, a reduction in global population. No mere doom-sayer, San Giorgio explains not just how to understand the crisis but overcome it to foster a resilient community, stay healthy, and become self-sufficient and productive in the “interesting times” that lie ahead. Packed with tactical information and resources, Survive is nothing less than a field manual for the apocalypse.

This edition has been thoroughly reedited and includes an extensive postscript detailing global developments in the past decade."[1]



Foreword to the French Edition


1. Risks and Impacts

  • Overpopulation
  • The End of Oil
  • The End of All Resources
  • Ecological Collapse
  • The End of the Financial System
  • Global Culture
  • Unforeseeables
  • Hopes

2. The Collapse

  • Mechanisms of Collapse
  • Consequences
  • The World of Tomorrow
  • The Moment of Decision

3. Survival

  • Survival Attitudes
  • Sustainable Autonomous Base
  • Water
  • Food
  • Hygiene and Health
  • Energy
  • Knowledge
  • Defense
  • The Social Bond
  • Where to Install an SAB

4. Preparing Oneself

  • How to Prepare Yourself
  • An Action Plan
  • Exercises
  • Conclusion
  • 2011–2021 What Has Changed?

5. Appendices

  • 72-Hour Survival Kit
  • Foods to Stock
  • Gardening, Fishing, and Hunting Equipment
  • Hygienic and Cleaning Products
  • Medicines and Medical Tools
  • Tools
  • Defense, Security, and Communication Materials

Bibliography and References


Books by the same author

  • Giuseppe : une histoire de survie, éditions Culture et Racines, 2020
  • Femmes au bord de la Crise, éditions Le Retour aux sources, 2014
  • Survivre à l'effondrement économique, éditions Le Retour aux sources, 2011

Publication data

  • Survive the Economic Collapse, Pier San Giorgio, 2021, Arktos, ISBN-10: 1914208625 ISBN-13: 978-1-914208-62-1

External Links
